Available Calves

A commitment to maintaining the breed's unique characteristics

Creating a heritage Scottish Highland breed for the future requires a commitment to maintaining the breed’s unique characteristics, while also adapting to the changing needs of farmers, processors, and consumers. This includes maintaining genetic diversity, promoting and conserving the breed, and using genetic technology to improve the breed while keeping the environmental impact in mind.


We are currently starting the 2023 breeding season.  We have two cows that will be bred this year:


  1. Albee’s Junie B. Jones (Reg. no 58933) will be bred by way of AI to WL Genesis (Reg. no 59067)
  2. TBR Milligan (Reg. no 59874) will be bred by way of AI to CTK William Wallace (Reg. no 54741)

Calves are expected after the new year!  Stay tuned for more info.

Available Calves

A commitment to maintaining the breed's unique characteristics

Creating a heritage Scottish Highland breed for the future requires a commitment to maintaining the breed’s unique characteristics, while also adapting to the changing needs of farmers, processors, and consumers. This includes maintaining genetic diversity, promoting and conserving the breed, and using genetic technology to improve the breed while keeping the environmental impact in mind.

We are currently starting the 2023 breeding season.  We have two cows that will be bred this year:

Albee’s Junie B. Jones (Reg. no 58933) will be bred by way of AI to WL Genesis (Reg. no 59067)

TBR Milligan (Reg. no 59874) will be bred by way of AI to CTK William Wallace (Reg. no 54741)

Calves are expected after the new year!  Stay tuned for more info.